Sunday, May 31, 2009

"Beautiful Days"

Today is one of those days with a translucent sky and 90 degree temperatures. Everyone is pondering how they should spend their time in this beautiful summer weather and revealing way too many details about their plans on facebook feeds - blah blah blah. Now at times, I am guilty of doing the opposite of everyone else just to be "that" guy, but on a "beautiful day" like today, I make a point to turn the apartment into a cave, turn out all the lights, sit on the couch, read a book, and listen to depressing music. Call me crazy, but I want no part of this scathingly hot, steam-producing, sweat-inducing HELL of a summer day (and it's not even summer yet). Absurd!

2 weeks til Colorado!!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


"What troubles me lately are the several stories I just glanced at in the last couple minutes, all having to do with money. First of all, it appears that there is some weird crap going on with the finances of the school I work at. It's bad enough that our school is among the poorest in the state, but to hear about the powers at be hiding certain expenditures is a bit disheartening. Paying employees with gift cards? What the hell? Using student activity money for questionable purposes?

Speaking of school, I'm getting a little tired of people encouraging me to get a Masters in Education "because it's worth it". I'm sorry, but I don't believe in bull shitting my way through pompous professors' classes on teaching pedagogy just so I can get a little increase in income. I don't care if it pays for itself or not. I don't believe a Masters will make me a better teacher and I sure as hell don't need to become one of those teachers who works on their college courses when they should be working with their students. Mo' money? It's not worth my soul.

The second story that simply cracks me up is entitled "Will pot save our economy". I'm all for legalizing pot, but to make a push for it based on our recent economic state is hilarious. Will the financial benefits really make conservatives rethink their stance on this "heinous" drug? I really hope it does. I love being a witness to their hypocrisy. They make me feel like a better man.

Finally, the kicker of the night. It's really what brought on this post. Remember the Walmart worker who got trampled over the holidays? Well, it turns out that his life can be bought for a mere 2 million dollars. Yes, Walmart has apologized by throwing money at a problem, an incident that damaged their image. Now the trampling could have happened at any store over the holidays and I'm sure the same result would have come out of a Best Buy as well. I think the thing that kills me a little is that materialism killed this man, and materialism supposedly makes his death hurt less. What a country! Though we enjoy one hell of a standard of living, we still manage to be this blind to our own greed and selfishness.

..." he said as he typed on his Mac sitting in his comfy apartment, watching the Braves on cable TV, enjoying the air conditioning, petting his dog, all while reaching for another microbrew. Ughhh