Monday, June 23, 2008

The Border

Holy crap, I’m still in Texas. I realized today that this trip has us in Texas for a week and a half. No offense to all my hosts, but that is way too long to be in such an egotistical state.

I’ll admit it. I am a Texas native. What does this mean you ask? Absolutely nothing. It actually brings up an interesting point. Why do we have pride for where we come from? No one has any control over his or her birthplace whether it be Houston, Boulder, or, well, Mexico for that matter. It’s all the luck of the draw. And might I just say, while I am on this subject, how ridiculous we are in this country about immigration. Anyone who says we’re too crowded in America has not driven through Texas…or Kansas…or Utah…or you get the point. One of our stops from Phoenix to Fort Worth was El Paso. We stopped in a mall food court to find something to eat only to find “Now Hiring” signs everywhere. Then we stopped in the Target to pick up some snack food and find cleaner bathrooms. The checkout lines were wildly chaotic. There were maybe 4 lanes open and a mob of people trying to buy things like Kashi cereal and Mike and Ikes. It was insane. On my way out, I noticed a “Now Hiring” sign. Hmmm… Here we are right next to Mexico with all these available jobs yet we in America don’t want to let them into our country because they had the unlucky draw of being born six inches from the border. One word. Ridiculous. No no, how about…


1 comment:

TCH said...

Hey, I couldn't agree more.