Thursday, July 29, 2010

School Year's Eve

Teachers typically run on a different schedule than most people. We should really number the months differently because of it. Instead of looking back on the year in December, we look back on it at the end of the summer, and cry about having to go back to work in August. January is not our time for New Year's resolutions, but the beginning of a cruel, horrible stretch of work that almost kills us before we get to Spring Break. Now I'm not going to get into the debate of how hard a teacher's job is or how much better our schedules are. It might make me angry and remind me how little I get paid to work 12 hour days for 10 months out of the year coaching 2 sports. (Cue grinding teeth)

I go back to work (officially) on Monday, but I've been up at the school more this summer than I ever have before. Cross Country stuff and Grad Testing made me make numerous trips down that 17 mile route. Each trip I asked myself why I was doing it. I can't stand most of the higher ups over there and Lord knows those people are not my besties or anything. I spend most of the school year grumbling about stupid decisions, pointless meetings, uninspired teachers, and jock itch coaches. As a whole, the school is kind of a joke yet they keep me coming back.

I've alluded to this being my last year and I'm pretty certain it is. I came in 3 years ago and hopefully in May, I'll be congratulating those boogers from my first freshman class. And though I call them boogers now, I may just lose it if they make it across the stage. As annoying as some of them are, they are the reason I've kept coming back. I have little patience for dumb, arrogant adults, but a ton of it for dumb, arrogant, and often ignorant kids. I don't know why.

So here's to the last hurrah! Time to sing Auld Lang Syne. Ah, screw the song...time to drink.

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