Saturday, June 7, 2008

Tulsa - Boulder

No worries. This post will not last a lifetime. I mean it's Tulsa. How exciting can we get? The Golden Driller...uh...flat land...uh...............So we woke up Thursday morning in my cousin's house after he had gone to work. Now a quick note on my cousin. He is only 3 years older than me, yet owns a 4 bedroom house in a nice suburb of Tulsa called Owasso. He's an accountant and I am not, but that's totally irrelevant. Since there is not a whole lot to do in a Tulsa suburb, we decided to head over to my cousin Angela's house and see her 9 month old baby Nicholas. Fred played with the baby while I hurried over to make friends with Pilot, the poor neglected dog of the house. We had a good ole time, but sure enough, that dang baby started to grow on me with its weird sounds and laughter. I still can't imagine wanting one, but he was rather fun to play with for the afternoon...oooh what an idea for a business...Rent-a-baby!!!

After spending the afternoon with Angela and that baby, we got ready for the big Tulsa Drillers game. My cousin John managed to get free tickets through his company and just as planned, we got there early enough for the free t-shirt. It was also dollar beer night, but just Budweiser, so needless to say the free t-shirt was the highlight of the evening. There were four of us at the game: Fred, cousin John, Uncle Tom, and myself. The stadium is a classic 80's minor league park - very plain without a lot of funky features, that if you ask me water down the glorious game of baseball, but anywho. Tulsa lost late to the Springfield Cardinals 3-2. I kept score and oddly enough found in my score book, a game from two years ago in Asheville where the first two batters were the same as the Drillers. Apparently Mr. Dexter Fowler and Eric Young Jr. have not made it too far since last I saw them. Young had a nice game and showed a lot of hustle, but this Fowler fellow was kinda slack. Who am I to know? Just your average guy who pretends to be a scout. I made comments to myself during the game like oh that guy's swing is way too long or wow, he didn't get a very good jump on that ball. Needless to reinforce the fact that I'm a baseball nerd, but wait, I just did.

So that was pretty much it for Tulsa. We got to take a look at the Golden Driller before the game. My oh my, what a statue. He is a driller and he is made of gold. Wowzers! (A picture will soon follow). The next morning, we drove over to the golf club to see my cousin Eric. Though he was working, it was a rainy day and not so busy, so we chatted for a little while and went on our way. We headed on through Kansas and ended up in Boulder around 9pm Rocky Mountain time. I have again made the vow that I am moving here in a couple years. I hope I can keep my promise. This place is just too good to pass up. Sorry Athens.

*Much more to come on the Colorado Weekend.

1 comment:

Seth said...

I feel the same way about colorado. Once I graduate, hello Colorado (or Canada...)