Friday, July 24, 2009

Back to Reality

The traveling days are over for now. My brother and I took yet another trip to see ballparks and had some great times along the way. No brother blowups this year either, so that was nice. I'm really not in the mood to go detail by detail. I just wanted to leave this thought...

We were at Cedar Point Amusement Park the other day waiting in line for a rollercoaster. You get to stand there and listen to crappy music playing...and you can eavesdrop and hear ridiculous conversations...and then make fun of the people for their crappy graphic t-shirts or their stupid hats... OR... you could just stand in line and stop being such a critical ass. I find myself doing this far too often - slipping back into an elitist mindset. I'm sure we're all guilty of it at times and there's probably different levels of it as well, but it's a slippery slope. Pretty soon what happens. Do we just forget how to value our fellow human beings? It scares me to think that I can go to an amusement park with a bunch of "trashy" people and be annoyed by them, but yet I don't mind the same type of people that I teach day in and day out. In fact, I genuinely enjoy working with them most of the time. I had a similar dilemma when I thought about doing ministry. Why do we help people? What if there was no money in it?

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