Friday, July 3, 2009

I'm baaaaaaack

My brother and I are back for another episode of Colorado. This is my 4th time out here in 3 years. It's getting kind of ridiculous....or awesome! We are staying at our friends' house in Lafayette just outside of Boulder. They now have a baby (more on that later) and she is adorable. I absolutely love staying here. The weather is actually quite wet at the moment, but I loved waking up to the Colorado sunrise this morning. The air pours through our guest room window and I am instantly charmed by the beauty of the landscape. I took a run after breakfast. It didn't go so hot. Pete went with me, but really, we just left at the same time and ran separately. After 10 minutes I was seriously wondering if I had suddenly caught asthma. I managed 20 minutes more, but it was a pace even my 91 year old granddad would have chuckled at.

We are about to go see Wilco at Red Rocks and it may pour on us. I say bring it on. I'm crossing my fingers that this concert will beat the Arcade Fire show I saw a couple years ago. I think rain and tailgating can only enhance the performance. We'll see.

Oh and a note about traveling...

Flying makes me want to do a little waterboarding...Oh wait, no. I'm not an asshole...and I'm not a racist. I just really wanted to say that line. I thought of it on the plane and just couldn't help myself. It's really not that bad. There's inflight trivia that gets quite addictive. We played 11 rounds and for awhile, I had the highest score. Then some dick named "RAMM" beat it followed by a guy named "SAM". I finally was on my way to putting my name back on top of those a-holes when we had to land. Bastards!

Stay classy San Diego!

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